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The history of LaplandWildDesign.
Lapland Wild Design seizes every materials unique form and designs products based on its qualities. The products are Swedish handcrafted and made of high quality antlers from reindeers and other nature materials. The design and looks reminds me of Lapland’s barren climate, drifted snow, bare mountain regions, sustainability and affinity to nature.
Through many years has the reindeers wandered in all seasons through the country. The antlers of the reindeer have a great significance. During the heat the male reindeer needs his antlers to protect and defend his territory from other males in his flock. The female reindeer uses her antlers to protect her calves.
I grew up in a small village called Släppträsk that is located near Malå. The presence of reindeers was great and I was always fascinated by them. Many times I got lost in the woods following flocks of reindeers. And as I grew older I got the chance to spend time with Sami people where I got a closer contact of the reindeers. I also got to spend time in the enclosure where the reindeers where kept and learned how to schwop and tag the reindeers. (schwop = lasso)
I have always been very fascinated by nature and reindeers so it only seemed natural for me to work with such material . Now I want to share the feeling I have for the wilderness and the reindeer. Lapland Wild Design seizes every materials unique form and designs products based on its qualities.
Mvh Annika Brännström